Okay, So from the beginning itself web-development looks really very cool to me. Maybe because it has some geeky touch or maybe the cool terms like databases, servers always used to attract me. In Fact i was very much interested in almost everything related to computers. So, right from the first semester itself, i applied my hands on pretty much whatever and wherever i could!! Mostly i am more involved and interested in aerial robotics, deeplearning and all, but did like web scraping, browser automation, server side stuffs as well!! (Obviously hated the front-end part ).
I thought during the summers itself to develop one personal site for me, to write blogs about me and the things that i would explore in the near future. But you see it is a tiresome work, and i am a bit lazy (very lazy ). So writing so much of code wasn’t my cup of tea. But I came to know about the static site generator Jekyll, I thought of creating one using it. But not until june 2020, i.e. during the lockdowns, i could convince my lazy mind and actually do something.
Let’s get to the point
Okay, let’s not bore you guys with the all emotional stuff. So I used the Jekyll
Static site generator to create this sweet little website. But creating one completely from the raw even using that would have been quite a work. So, I took the shorter and the easiest way (Pro-gamer move ). I went to Jekyll themes site and selected this one from hundreds of the open source templates out there. Later i cloned the repo and modified it with my information and also tweaked around a bit with the stuffs in there and
the final product is in front of you!!
Well, of course this didn’t prove to be this simple and easy walk that it sounds there . First thing is, i knew zero (i mean it) about jekyll and very basic (very very) of web-dev techs. So first, I started experimenting with the code, changing things here and there, and looking at the effects. After several experiments, I gained sufficient knowledge about the code base which helped me to customize it according to the way I wanted.
This Particular theme is called devlopr
Thanks a lot guys for reading!! Yes, Yes i know it ain’t much. Not even a 200 words long post, but hey! it’s honest work at least.. Thought to put at least something here, than to leave it for the tomorrow, which means never!!
Yes, Last but not least.. Stay tuned for more such “interesting” posts..
I am also passionate about hindi poetry!! So, do check out my further posts which would also include some hindi poems and shayaris. Who knows, it may be useful to you in “some” way…